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Info for Accepted Creators

Folks, it's almost here! Verse/Visual is fast-approaching and it's time for us to get ready for this fabulous weekend. As a reminder, Verse/Visual will display August 16-19, at 5 Peatfield St. in Ipswich, with an opening reception on August 16th and other events throughout the weekend. There will be a private artist’s reception before the show opening on Friday evening. Please plan to come to the reception. It will not be the same without you! We're so excited, and we hope you are too! 


We've said it before and we're saying it again: we need you to make this weekend a success! The V/V volunteer team makes VERSE/VISUAL everything it is. There is a ton of work that goes on behind the scenes to ensure the weekend runs smoothly and that the experience, for both creators and visitors, is a great one. Our volunteers help us distribute that load: many hands make light work! Every little bit helps. The best way to get involved in the weekend is through the Sign Up Genius. There are lots of things to do, from big to small! If you were a volunteer last year, or found yourself spending a lot of time at the gallery, we’d love to have your help as a volunteer this year, and if you’re ready to get involved for the first time, we’d be thrilled to have you too!

We have found, in our 6 years of V/V, that visitors to the show absolutely LOVE getting the chance to talk with creators about their work. Any time you can find that weekend to spend at EBSCO Hall talking about your work makes the exhibition that much more special! It’s a super fun gallery to sit in, and the weekend will be one that you won’t want to miss!
Once again, THANK YOU for being a part of this event.


This form will cover a wide variety of important topics, and is collecting crucial information for the V/V team. We want to represent your work faithfully, so: PLEASE READ EVERYTHING EXTREMELY CAREFULLY AND PROOFREAD YOUR RESPONSES. WE MAY NOT BE ABLE TO ACCOMMODATE CHANGES AFTER THE FACT. 

The guidelines for your Exploration works are the same as for the Inspiration works you intially submitted to V/V and were accepted with. These guidelines are below, as a refresher. 


ART: Creators may submit works of any discipline including 2D and 3D works, dance, music and film. Your work must be ready to display. There is no limit on artwork physical size; however pieces that are over 36”, 50 pounds or need to be suspended in the air must be previously arranged. Images submitted to this application must be under 2mB. Video and audio files must be under 5mB.

WRITING: Creators may submit any kind of prose they prefer. We ask that you limit your submissions to 350 words or less. Your work will be printed by the exhibition coordinators in a way that is consistent with the show UNLESS the way you print it is part of your reader experience. Please send your work to us with the appropriate title, formatting, and name. There will be opportunities to proof the display of your work; please be sure to approve proofs in a timely manner.


Final Label Info/Online Preview due July 28th
BUT participants are strongly encouraged to submit their pieces upon completion.

Art Drop-off: August 14th

Opening Reception: August 16th, 5:30 pm

Art Pick-Up: August 18th, 4:00 pm

To help present VERSE/VISUAL, there is an application donation of $10 for non-members. If you did not make a donation when you submitted your initial application, you can make a donation now, or make your donation at art drop-off. Ipswich Art Association Members submit for free! Join us today! 

For questions, email or text/call Cynthia (978-998-2228) or Kate (978-810-6811).
(Please note that it may take us a bit to respond. For non-urgent needs, email is always best.)

To access the portal for submissions, click below. 

Looking for our policies or want to download all this info?

Click the link below to download the PDF.

Hi everyone, thank you again for participating - many of you for the first time! I am so thrilled that we are once again creating a show that celebrates collaboration, community, and the arts in Ipswich. PLEASE BRING PEOPLE AND SPREAD THE WORD!

You all rock.


Important dates and times are listed below, but first:
We need you to make this weekend a success! The VERSE/VISUAL volunteer team makes
VERSE/VISUAL everything it is. There is a ton of work that goes on behind the scenes to ensure the
weekend runs smoothly and that the experience, for both creators and visitors, is a great one. Our
volunteers help us distribute that load: many hands make light work! Every little bit helps. Please consider
doing one or two things to support the success of V/V!

The best way to get involved in the weekend is through the Sign Up Genius. There are lots of
things to do, from big to small! The flow of the weekend will be similar to last year’s V/V. If you were a
volunteer last year, or found yourself spending a lot of time at the gallery, we’d love to have your help as a
volunteer this year, and if you’re ready to get involved for the first time, we’d be thrilled to have you too!



We have found, in our 6 years of V/V, that visitors to the show absolutely LOVE getting the chance
to talk with creators about their work. Any time you can find that weekend to spend at EBSCO Hall
talking about your work makes the exhibition that much more special! It’s a super fun gallery to sit
in, and the weekend will be one that you won’t want to miss!

For questions, email or text/call Cynthia (978-998-2228) or Kate
(Please note that it may take us a bit to respond. For non-urgent needs, email is always best.)
Once again, THANK YOU for being a part of this event.


Please upload a digital image of your "Exploration" work by Sunday, July 28th, at 11:59 pm to give
us ample time to prepare space to display your work. The portal to submit these works will open on or
about July 15th, and the link will be emailed to you. Art drop-off is on Thursday, August 14th from
7:30-9:30 am. At this time, we will be both taking in artwork and hanging the show. We ask that you are
patient with us and timely in your drop off. This is an even larger show than the last VERSE/VISUAL, so
we’ll be figuring some things out as we go. Having all visual art there on-time and ready to display is
crucial! Please ensure your art is dropped off to us before 9:30 am, ready to hang with a wire (for
hanging art) or to sit securely on a table (sculptural art). If this timeframe is impossible, please email
us ASAP at

Please upload your "Exploration" work by Sunday, July 28th, at 11:59 pm to give us ample time to
reproduce your work for display. The portal to submit these works will open on or about July 15th,
and the link will be emailed to you. We will be reproducing your work in a uniform style that blends
beautifully with the show and is also easy to read. If you feel it is necessary to present your writing in your
own fashion, please let us know by emailing us at We only ask that you
make it easy for viewers to read from a wall.

Please upload your “Exploration” work’s information to the portal by Sunday, July 28th, at 11:59
pm and attach a screenshot from your video to the portal submission, so we can ensure the correct
video is matched with its information. Full video files should be submitted to the Verse/Visual
Please ensure they are in a file format compatible with YouTube: you can access a list of
compatible formats by clicking here.
If you have questions, or run into any difficulty, please reach out to us
via email at

At 5:30 pm, the gallery will open privately for creators to view the show. This is when all pairings will
finally be revealed. Please plan to attend, it’s not the same without you!! The gallery will open to the
public at 7 pm. If you are able, sign up to bring some refreshment for the evening! This is a fantastic
night and a great party to celebrate and talk about all of your fabulous, hard work.
The gallery will be open to the public from 10-6pm. This is our longest day of being open to the public.
Please consider finding some time this day to be present at the gallery to chat with visitors, it is a fantastic
opportunity to talk about your work (and make connections)! There will also be some fun things going on
throughout the day, so stop by and see what we have planned!
The gallery will be open to the public from 10-4pm. Art pick up will be held from 4-5pm. All visual
art is expected to be collected from EBSCO Hall during this hour! There is no space for us to securely
store your artwork at EBSCO Hall after 5pm. If collecting your work during that hour is impossible, please
contact us ASAP via email at If you have a piece of writing, and would
like to keep the printed version of it, that will also be available for collection during that hour. Again, there
will be a huge amount of moving parts during art take down and pick up, if you’d like to volunteer to help,
we’d be grateful!

Thanks again! Can’t wait to see your magic!
Best, Cynthia, Kate, and the IAA

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